Linguistic and Cartoon Movie
In this book, it analyzes the types of speech act and indirect speech act in “spongebob squrepants-the movie”. Hopely, who are interested in literature, they can conduct research about the correlation between directives usage and funny things in “spongebob squrepants-the movie”. They can take the data source not only from movie, but also from the novel, drama, in order to reveal the real description about speech act. By doing the research, they will be additional understanding about literature and speech act.
This book expalined that the percentages of speech acts classification used by main character. In this part, the writer reveals the dominant data in speech acts. It can be explained that directives as the most frequent category comprised 44,36 percent of the the whole data, while the category of declarations occured 0,75 percent. Besides, the researcher shows diagram to explain the dominant data in speech acts of classification. It shows that there are 44,36% of directives, representatives 24,81%, commensives 16,91%, expressives 13,15%, and declarations 0,75%. So, it can be resulted that the dominant of speech act in spongebob squarepants movies is directives (118 or 44,36%) and the lest frequently is declarations (2 or 0,75%)
Rincian Buku
Penulis : Ima Frafika Sari
Tahun Terbit : 2022